Training Boar has had a tradition of giving back, supporting both our local community and national charities.
We believe that being an active member of our community means being of service and supporting those in need. Below are a list of some of the charitable organisations Training Boar has supported over the last 3 years.
City of Logan Tertiary Educational Bursary Program
Fire Fighters Calendar Sponsor

KIDS Foundation
Fire Boar have partnered with the KIDS Foundation and a percentage of all purchases from our Fire Training platform will be donated towards this well deserving charity.
The KIDS Foundation is about injuries, helping those injured in horrific circumstances like car accidents, fires, dog attacks, crime and domestic violence, and importantly preventing them from happening through education and empowerment in Australian kindergartens and preschools.

As a Company Fire Boar acknowledge the Elders, Families and Descendants of the Yerongpan people of the Yuggara Nation, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which Fire Boar sits. We acknowledge that the land is the place of age-old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal and that the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples have had and continue to have a unique role in the life of these lands, over which Indigenous sovereignty has never been ceded.
In line with Fire Boar’s mission and logo which represents safety and protection our RAP has been developed to target education and health. Our RAP will build trust and respect between Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous communities.